2 months ago
/ Views: 236

Going home after a long day

Hi guys. I just finished my shift and I’m posting this while I’m going home in my fiance’s car. I work at Walmart as a front end associate and I remember coming to this company HYPED. Because it’s my first job, and I’m excited to start my life, you know? I remember feeling like having a party after completing my walmart application. But that changed after 2 weeks on the job. As you can guess or imagine, I went back and forth with a customer and I don’t know if you know this but if you’re a front end associate, talking back to a customer is like talking back to your parent. It’s basically a sin at our store. I don’t know if it’s the same for you guys, I hope not. Because it’s a huge pressure for me not to call out someone for their stupidity. Especially when their stupidity affects my life, at least I need to have the right to complain and stand up for myself a little, you know? And dealing with this on a day to day, feeling restricted on my freedom of speech, that’s not what I signed up for. As a result of all this, whenever I go back home after my shift, I feel like it’s my first day out of prison. Whenever I get to work I have my eyes on the clock. As soon as my shift ends I want to get out of here. I wouldn’t even want to stay if they offered me 3 times more than my salary. As a result, after noticing all of this about my work life, I feel depressed. Let me also add the fact that I spoke to people who worked at different jobs (including walmart) about what to expect as a 9-5 worker, but still, part of me didn't want to believe what they told me. Because I always believed life has to offer us a lot more and we need to take as much as we can. That's just how I feel. Starting this journey of 'living life' is really hard for me and I'm starting to lose hope and change my view as to what life should be, or if we want to be more accurate, what life already is. I mean I don't even know if I expressed myself properly, I just wanted to have a little therapy session online while I'm going home because I had a lot to get off my chest. Anyway, thanks for reading, and good luck

2 months ago

Welcome to the real world kid

2 months ago

Thanks dad

2 months ago

I think that's not going to change as long as you don't accept the fact that everything has its downside. Let's say that you quit Walmart and start to work at another job, that job will have its positives and negatives and you most probably will complain about the negatives of that job as well. Because we are human, that's what we do. We just need to accept the fact that nothing is perfect, and then the pressure of chasing perfection drops immediately.

2 months ago

Couldn't agree more with this beautiful comment right here! It's ok if it's not perfect!

2 months ago

I get where you come from, but I don't want to settle. I don't want to accept the fact that this will be my life for the next 40 years because I don't want it to.

2 months ago

Nobody is saying that this will be your life for the next 40 years. All I'm saying is this is your life NOW. Stop the coulda woulda shoulda. Just live your life, try to see the good in it and if you think there isn't any, you're simply wrong.

2 months ago


2 months ago

Why would u have a party after completing your Walmart application? You ain't even gonna wait to get accepted? 💀

2 months ago

Celebrating a Walmart job application should be the lowest of the lows.

2 months ago

Oh. It seems like you guys work for the SpaceX.

2 months ago

I mean I don't want to sound like gary vee but this is what you get in your 20s. Just keep your head down, work, and hope that everything will turn out just fine for you. There isn't much more that you should be doing at this point. I've seen a lot of people (myself included) not accepting this bitter truth about life. Believe me, not accepting it, or procrastinating the acceptance of it is not a good idea. It only makes everything worse.

2 months ago

So you mean I will spend my twenties trying to get along with my sh^^^y 9-5 job and will give up in my thirties and take the L?

2 months ago

Did I say that?

2 months ago

Bro whoever posted this sh^t, just know that you are the most TIRING person that I have ever witnessed 😭😭

2 months ago

Stop putting yourself in a cage. It's a free world. You can do whatever the he^l you want to do. If you don't like what your life's like, then just change it. Complaining online is not a good idea because it's just a waste of time. It's not going to change anything.

2 months ago

Maybe it's the solution for them? Maybe they just wanted to get this stuff out of their chest and they will feel better from now on? Maybe they just needed someone to talk even if it's online and even if nobody knows who we are? Stop underestimating the power of speaking out. It's hard out there. People need to talk about their problems because it actually helps after sharing them with someone else.

2 months ago

Sharing with someone else that has nothing to do with your problem.

2 months ago

Just don't read maybe?

2 months ago

I didn't read all that tbh but someone else will and will get a negativity boost into their day for no reason. Don't share these types of thoughts. This is not a group therapy.

2 months ago

Ok bro

2 months ago

Well, join the gang my friend. I don't know if it's a good thing or not but I can tell you that most of the Walmart associates feel the same way. I'm hearing good things from my friends who work at Sam's Club. Maybe it's time to hit the sams careers website for a job hunt you know what I'm saying?

2 months ago

Everyone I know at my store feels exactly the same way. The race begins to go home at the minute that their shift is over.

2 months ago

Just like you said, I don't know if it's a good thing or not but being not alone in this makes me feel good.

2 months ago

People need to set their expectations straight. Me personally, I don't expect to come to work and be happy. I'm here to get paid and feed my kids, not to have fun. I have other places where I have fun and work is not one of them and that's completely okay with me. I was lucky enough to feel this way since the minute I started to work as a young Walmart associate. It's sad that someone feels like they are escaping a prison when they finish their shift and go home but it is what it is. You just need to look at the situation from a different perspective and realize the fact that you are going from something that makes you unhappy, to something that makes you truly happy. That's the case for me and I hope it's the case for everyone or else, I hope it's better.

2 months ago

Yeah that's right. These entrepreneurship gurus fu^k with people's understanding of reality. People come to work to 'fulfill their life's purpose' 😂😂😂Just get the fu^k outta here with these spoiled first world problems man. Doing maintenance at Walmart is NOT your life's purpose bruh. And believe me that's a good thing 😂😂😂

2 months ago

That's so true. If you expect to find the meaning of your life at your 9-5 job, you just guaranteed your unhappiness for the next 40-50 years.


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