Privacy Policy

© 2025 TheBlueTalk. All rights reserved.

Privacy Policy

TheBlueTalk (TBT) is an online discussions discussion forum, accessible to our users with or without an account. To function effectively, TBT needs to gather specific data from users, such as browser details, screen dimensions, IP addresses, cookies, etc. This policy clarifies the kinds of information collected and our methods for safeguarding it. 

A) Data Recording 

We document user information, referred to here as “log data”, collecting only essential identifiers. Account creation is optional for browsing. Participating in discussions does not require disclosing your real name, nor do we track your precise location. Anonymous browsing is permitted. 

Cookie Documentation 

  • Cookies are vital for operational and marketing purposes, enabling site functionality. They personalize content and facilitate analytics and advertising. Third-party advertisers on our site may also employ cookies for similar purposes (see below). 

Browser Request Documentation 

  • Our server automatically logs certain information sent by your browser, such as IP addresses and browser types, storing them in server logs. This includes data like screen resolution and device type. 

Post Documentation 

  • We collect the content you submit to TBT, including posts, comments, drafts, and interactions with our staff. 

Signed-In User Data Documentation 

  • While TBT does not require account creation, signed-in users access personalized features. We log email addresses provided upon signing in, ensuring they remain confidential and accessible only to the account holder and site administrators. 

B) Additional Logs (Including Third-Party Cookies) 

Cookies are common online, and while navigating, third-party cookies from services like Google Analytics or advertisement hosts may be encountered. Your browser might accept third-party cookies independently of our direct settings. We don't record information from these cookies nor control them. 

To support TBT financially, we display third-party ads. Advertisers, including Google through AdSense, might use cookies for information collection for targeted advertising. We utilize Google Analytics for site analysis and Google AdSense for ads, with Google setting its cookies for these purposes. Additionally, we work with advertisers who use cookies to display ads. 

C) Log Data Disclosure 

We do not sell, share, or otherwise disclose log data to third parties. 

Despite our commitment to protecting our visitors' privacy, circumstances may arise where the disclosure of log data becomes a matter of consideration. 

Legal and Emergency Exceptions 

  • In adherence to relevant laws, we may share log data to fulfill requirements set by a legally enforceable subpoena, warrant, court order, or any other judicial or administrative directive. Also, instances where there might be a risk to the safety of individuals or property could occur. In assessing these scenarios with sincerity, we might share log information.