4 months ago
/ Views: 281


I’m a stocker at Walmart, and one of my biggest fears is breaking things while I’m putting them on shelfs. It’s literally one of my biggest problems to put alcoholic drinks on the shelf. So as a result I am always careful, meaning slower than the guy that put some cereals on the shelf. When you work at stocking, you can’t win. When you are fast, you most likely will break stuff, and get yelled at like you just committed a war crime. If you are slow, same reaction, for different reasons. That’s what I experienced yesterday. I got yelled at for being careful, and it wasn’t the first time. I’m really tired of this bullsh^t. I swear I thought about dropping everything at that moment and leaving this hellhole.

4 months ago

Have you ever thought about changing departments?

4 months ago

It’s not just about stocking. It’s the biggest problem for every department at Walmart that managers are NOT able to make up their minds about what they want.


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