2 months ago
/ Views: 129

Instant justice

I’m a cashier at Sam’s Club, and there was this member who was acting like he owned the store and everything and everyone in it. He complained about trivial things from the moment he entered the club until he left. When he came to the register to pay, he was mumbling something about me not being smiley and friendly. Anyway, I finished scanning his items, and when it was time to pay, his card declined. You should have seen his face when that happened. It gave me extreme satisfaction to see him like that.

2 months ago

Nothing like a bully getting bullied by someone or something lol.

2 months ago

I can’t tell you how much I hate those types of people

2 months ago

They expect us to be ‘smiley and friendly’ while they are being the biggest pricks to us. No, I don’t have to be friendly as long as I do my job.


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