I have no respect for lazy people. I don’t want to do anything with you if you are not willing to put in the same work that I put in. It’s not fair to all the people who are working really hard to make their store better.
I respect that. But I also have some things going on in my personal life. That doesn’t affect my performance at work. That’s called professionalism.
good for you but that’s not the case for everyone.
It also creates more work and more pressure for other associates. Their laziness affects everybody's lives.
Exactly. It affects customers' lives too. Then they come to me about an issue that I have nothing to do with, and I get yelled at by them for no reason.
if you're at work, do what they pay you to do. think they underpay you? then quit. don't do a half-assed job. people who aren't worthless like you make the same money and do twice the work. if all the best workers hate the company, it's probably because they carry all the lazy workers. there's no good reason for me to get 3 times more things done if compared to some other random associate...
agreed, ever notice how they never seem to get in trouble for being lazy at work or how they somehow still have a job? it's just so crazy!
many men stopped shaving since they are lazy nowadays
everyone has moments of laziness, there's a sub group of our friend group that seems to have turned it into a lifestyle, they are just lazy 24/7...
two of my friends are constantly complain about their exhaustion and busy lives, despite having minimal responsibilities in life in genera... and they are relying heavily on parental support which they have and many other people dont have....
they frequently seek life-changing advice but rarely act on it if you give them that advice. they do nothing, so what's the point of even providing them iwht any avice..., we are just extending a cycle of complaints and no action kind of situation... their conversations often are about criticizing others (behind their back)s while maintaining a fake sense friendship in person... lame and doublefaced...
both dont have jobs now, and they have job search efforts that are half-hearted at best... with little prior work experience to draw from. But they cry about their lack of direction and hobbies..., they show no- interest in free or low-cost activities could put them in a better $$$ position....they promote body acceptance for some while criticizing others and seem oblivious to how their food/eating habits affect their health goals (btw their diet is horrible and that shows)...
I'm growing so fu^^ing sick and tired of being their go-to advice giver - they keep asking me questions and exausting my energy and I cannot stand it any more. I know this is not changing anything so it's just waste of time. All my suggestions fall on deaf ears and there is no action - their issues dominate every conversation, and my attempts to set boundaries are always ignored... i am not even sure if we are friends any more.
dont know, i think i need to separate myself from them - honestly, i cannot change them and they are not willing to do it... fu^k it...
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you don’t know what people are going through in their personal lives.