1 month ago
/ Views: 120

I genuinely hate messy people

I was walking around the suitcase area and I just saw 5 of them were opened and were just left like that. I was really close to freak out but thank God I came back to my senses. This is just a basic etiquette. You don’t need to be the kindest person on earth to do this. I don’t know if I expect too much from people but honestly, a lot of them need to do better.

1 month ago

Yeap. You unfortunately expect too much. These people have no etiquette or any kindness in them to do such a thing, because they are animals in a human body. Nothing more nothing less.

1 month ago

What bothers me the most is the fact that NO ASSOCIATE IN WALMART does anything about it when they see things like this. Unless someone tells them to do ofc. There always has to be one person who is stupid enough to try to make things better at Walmart.

1 month ago

Thankfully my store is not like yours because I would start fighting people.


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