1 month ago
/ Views: 108

I don’t understand the hoodie policy

My store manager is not letting us wear a hoodie in the store. He says that it’s not a good look for the store. I have friends who work at different Walmart stores across the state, and half of them are allowed to wear hoodies and half of them are not. If there is a problem with hoodies, why some people are allowed to wear them? If there is not, why we are not allowed to wear them?

1 month ago

It’s just a stupid decision that’s left sm to make so that they can feel more important than they already feel I guess

1 month ago

I’ve been thinking about this question as well. Why it’s not a good look for the store? I’m not coming with a bikini on myself for God’s sake.

1 month ago

Exactly. I think it should all be free everywhere.


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