3 months ago
/ Views: 231

I don’t need to experience your lack of time management skills with you

Hello dear friends, I’m a cashier at Walmart and I experienced something stupid yesterday. There was this lady who was clearly in a rush, and she still kept putting some items in her cart. I guess she needed a lot of goods to take home even though she needed to be somewhere else. Anyway, it was her turn at the register and her cart was like a small mountain. She started to give the items to me and I was scanning them. After a few items, (there were a lot of items left) she started yelling at me. Telling me I should be faster. I didn’t say anything at first. Few seconds passed, same sh^t. I told her that it wasn’t my fault that she’s in a rush and she has a lot of items to purchase. She went silent for a few seconds after what I told her and the silence was LOUD 🤣 After that she broke the silence by saying she wasn’t in a rush and I was being too slow because I didn’t like her. Again, I told her that she just has to wait for me. Anyway, I finished scanning, she paid and left. When I say left, I mean RUNNING. I was kinda surprised she didn’t cause any problems after she saw the total 🤣

3 months ago

You really need mental strength to be a cashier at Walmart.

3 months ago

God bless the cashiers for dealing with stupid sh^t like this on a daily basis

3 months ago

I’m not saying it’s you, but some cashiers really do be slow lol


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