Welcome to our online community designed specifically for Walmart eCommerce associates! This subsection of our TBT platform is a dedicated space for you to connect with colleagues involved in our online retail operations. Here, you can discuss the unique challenges and opportunities that come with working in the crazy fast-paced world of eCommerce. Share your experiences, seek advice, and explore topics such as pay, layoffs, career growth, digital marketing, online sales strategies, customer service, work-life balance, interactions with management, etc... Join this growing TBT community to engage in meaningful conversations and support one another in enhancing our online shopping experience and driving growth in Walmart eCommerce.
I can't understand people who watch me putting all of their groceries in their trunk. Like I'm dealing with bags of groceries and the customer doesn't even move a finger. Watching me do all the work. ... read more
It’s funny how people think working as an OGP Walmart associate is easy. Just grab some groceries, load them into cars, and call it a day, right? If only it were that simple. Today started like any ... read more
Life as an ogp walmart associate must be so strange it might actually make people do the weirdest things. There is this associate of mine who started to collect tomorrow's orders 'just in case'. I ... read more
I'm an ogp associate at Walmart and I must tell you, whoever helped their ogp associates needs a big fat thank you. Starting with the associates at my store who helped us a lot, then everyone at the ... read more
I'm planning for a transfer to OGP Walmart and that department has divided our store. The reason for that is half the store hate OGP Walmart and half the store just don't care. I'm in the second group ... read more
So I have been looking lately to order something through Walmart Plus and I connected my discount card to it, but something feels strange to me. On some product I got discount and on some I don't, and ... read more
Working OGP Walmart is the most unbalanced job you can find at Walmart. Sometimes you start your shift with a positive atmosphere in the store where almost everyone is energic and in a good mood ... read more
Shopping baskets at OGP Walmart are TERRIBLE bro. 11 of them have broken for no reason only for THIS WEEK!
I don’t want to get sent to other departments if I’m not busy. Just let me go home. Give me a pay cut if you want to. I signed up for an OGP job. I don’t want to be sent anywhere like a ... read more
If you are an OGP Walmart associate, you don’t need to hit the gym. If you eat well, it’s impossible for you to not get fitter and fitter.
Does anyone have issues with searching up products on the website?
There is this guy that I work with at OGP and he always comes to work late for at least 30 minutes. And when he comes, he is outta here the first chance that he gets. I’m tired of covering for 2 ... read more
Like fr. I’m a picker and sometimes even I get confused in these big a^s stores bruh.
Especially after those long hours of driving around in the suburbs, delivering goods to ungrateful people who find something wrong with everything. I wish I find A LOT of money somewhere somehow. It ... read more
My kid ordered an expensive thing last night on our online store when I gave him my phone to play with and now it doesn’t let me cancel the order. I literally cannot afford this thing. Noone I work ... read more
Have you noticed how lately Walmart is being super late with posting new articles on their online shop and how there are a million of products that didn’t even get uploaded in the shop ever? I ... read more
I started to work at Walmart as a delivery driver a month ago. I was never a dog person. I was always afraid of them as a kid, and not much changed for me as an adult. Anyway, when I enter the garden ... read more
I’m an OGP worker and I just transferred to a different store. In my previous store, headphones were allowed. I always listen to podcasts and some music, and add a little bit of audiobooks there, ... read more
I think Walmart has hit the jackpot with the business decision they have made about giving out free delivery for orders over 35$. I cannot even remember all the people that told me that they literally ... read more
I worked at OGP for 2 years. And I thought about trying to start my ecommerce business. I did, and failed unfortunately. I’m proud to say that I have zero regrets. I wouldn’t change a thing even ... read more
I've been a delivery driver for a while now, and I can honestly say that working through bad weather is one of the toughest parts of the job. Most common problem is rain. Delivering in the rain means ... read more
I’ve been working here for some time, but I’m an old-fashioned guy and don’t really use the internet that much so I’m not in the know at all. I wonder how good are we in comparison with other ... read more