1 month ago
/ Views: 121

You’re all good as long as you don’t steal

There is this cashier friend of mine who works at Walmart and she literally got fired 3 times in the last 14 months and re-hired every time. If you think she is qualified to work for Walmart, and you think it’s actually a good idea to hire her, why would you fire her in the first place? It’s really hard to understand how these things work sometimes.

1 month ago

They hold the more powerful position in this situation. They know the person they’re firing is desperate for a job and couldn’t find a better option elsewhere. As a result, they get very comfortable when firing people. Is it fair? You decide.

1 month ago

It’s terrible that they treat people this way and expect them to perform their best when they come to work.

1 month ago

maybe they should stop doing whatever it is that gets them fired, its probably attendance so she should redo her availability.


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