People keep telling me it’s important for a front end associate to be kind to customers. Having small talk if needed and laughing at their stupid jokes if they make a joke. I’m not very good at those skills because if I don’t find someone funny, then there is no reason for me to laugh with them or at them.
A situation that will require you to laugh at a customer's joke unwillingly as a walmart store associate would become a reality so rarely. So I don't think there is anything to worry about since all they do is ask you questions or complain to you about stuff that you have absolutely nothing to do with.
Nobody is expected to talk to a customer 24/7, just answer their question if they ask you something and that's it.
Thank you guys
Also being kind is extremely subjective
What you see as a gesture of kindness might not have the same value for someone else. Even if you try your hardest to have a small talk with a customer, it might mean nothing to them and that's ok. So don't put yourself under too much pressure about being kind to a customer because it's not that important.
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You can be kind without laughing at a joke or overdoing a small talk