5 days ago
/ Views: 144

Quitting because they didn’t appreciate me enough

I’m probably the best associate this Walmart has ever had. I swear they have never seen a person more dedicated to doing their job right, while also having great relationships with other associates and work hygiene. But still, they haven’t made any efforts to make me stay. Yesterday an associate that just started working here gave me he^l at work and I reported this to my TL and he just told me to su^k it up and let him. They didn’t respect me enough even to talk with him. I’m outta here.

5 days ago

I bet your a^s they’re gonna be crawling all over you to come back after some pothead comes working in your place

5 days ago

They will not crawl back. Been here 20 yrs. No fox given . They will find a new breathing body to fill your shoes. Walmart is not the same company they used to be.

5 days ago

I am so sorry that this happened. Your "TL" is just an incompetent je^k trying to fly under the radar.

  1. Don't quit until you have another job...then it will be fun to do so!**

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