There was this customer yesterday who approached me and asked me questions about the t-shirt that he was looking for. As he was talking to me, he never looked into my face and kept searching for the t-shirts that he was looking for while he was asking questions. He just stood there doing this for a minute and than he moved on to another aisle. I don't know what the he^l was wrong with him but I thought he was very rude.
He probably felt like he was your supervisor or something
Or maybe he thought he was running a hedge fund and I was there to take orders from him.
That's entirely possible too lol
In real life he probably works at target
What if he has social anxiety and that was the reason he wasn't able to look at your face? We shouldn't be too quick to judge I think.
His body language wasn't the body language of someone who might have social anxiety my friend.
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People love to show their ego at walmart.