These people are becoming robots day by day. Whenever I try to talk to my TL about a problem that I have in the store, he just gives me the same answer every time. He says that I should just keep my head down and let him worry about it and nothing changes.
Couldn't agree more
No sh^t sherlock
I'm sure it feels really comforting to trust someone to get something done even though they never got something done before a day in their life.
You have no idea honey.
That should show you how little they care about you and your problems as a human being. I'm not even saying "as a walmart store associate" because it's actually bigger than that when you think about it. Being a walmart associate, especially if you're a walmart store associate, can affect your mental and physical health in ways that you can't even imagine.
That's true, unfortunately.
What I don't understand about all this is that these people weren't born as a Team Lead or a Store Manager. Most probably, they were associates once in their life time and probably had similar problems as we do. So if you dealt with a toxic culture problem and you most probably did, why don't you do everything in your power to change it? Or challenge it at least you know?
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Maybe your problem isn’t something that you experienced at the store, maybe your problem is your team lead.