3 weeks ago
/ Views: 74


There was a long line at my register today, and this guy had a full cart of groceries. Finally, it was his turn, but as soon as I started scanning his items, he wandered off to grab more. I was almost done scanning his stuff when he comes back with a half full cart. So, I started scanning those, and then he left again to look for more stuff. He came back with fewer things this time, but someone in line freaked out and yelled at him to cut it out. I ended up scanning his items and waiting for him to bring new ones for almost 20 minutes. It was crazy!

3 weeks ago

People will take advantage of anything until you tell them to stop. It’s great that somebody had the nerve to tell him that he should stop this.

3 weeks ago

He thinks he’s slick.

3 weeks ago

I wonder how he would feel if someone else in front of him was doing the same thing that he did.


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