8 months ago
/ Views: 626

I decided I couldn’t deal with it anymore and left

The main reason I left wasn't the work itself, but my incredibly annoying, lazy, and creepy coworkers. They have made it clear to me many times that they had no interest in actually working. They'd spend more time trying to dodge tasks than actually doing them so I'd end up picking up the slack which was f-ing frustrating. I think the worst part was the creepy comments and behavior, one guy in particular would make gross and inappropriate jokes EVERY day. Management did nothing about it, even though several of us complained. Another coworker would constantly try to send all of his work to me while he wandered around the store or took extended breaks. It got to the point where I dreaded going to work every day. The toxic environment and the lack of respect they had have made it unbearable so I finally decided enough was enough and quit.

8 months ago

I worked at Walmart for a while so I know how the coworker dynamics can be a nightmare. It's a shame management didn't take your complaints seriously. I honestly believe you're better off out of there. Good luck with your next job :/

8 months ago

It's hard enough to work a demanding job without dealing with creepy and lazy coworkers. I am in the same situation and it feels a lot better knowing you’re not alone, so thank you for that!

6 months ago

I could write a book about how horrible it was to work at that awful place but your last sentence says it all - toxic environment and a complete lack of respect. My store didn't even provide a place for customers to sit and try on shoes. It's as if they go to great lengths to make the customer experience and the employee experience as bad as possible. It's absurd!


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