2 months ago
/ Views: 480

Cashiers check list.

When I was hired 6 years ago we had responsibilities as cashiers. They went over tasks list. We did what was required of us. Keeping our registers clean and organized Zoned our area. The last couple years, it’s been a bit more challenging . New hires not trained to keep the front end clean . Self check is terrible. After cleaning in the morning and ready for the day, Very seldom do cashiers keep up on whipping registers off, filling bags picking up merchandise left from customers. Trash over flowing. Cold or frozen taken back before it had to be thrown out. Unnecessary waste!!! Cashiers stand around taking to each other. Not interacting with customers. It’s just a free for all, items not being paid for. These spark orders leave screen in just seconds, so we don’t get a chance to see what’s being paid for. Theft is out of control!! Training. Needs to be a priority that needs to be put back in place!!!

2 months ago

not true about Spark, if your customer host is doing there job right then they are being checked completely at the door. This part is not the responsibility of the cashier's. the rest is just poor training


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