I'm an apparel associate at walmart and I'm bored AF rn so I want to share what I think about the job. The job is boring as he^l. U fold clothes almost for the entire day and do zoning. I know it's not a very hard job but it's very boring. Keep this in mind before you complete your walmart application online.
Bro which state do you live in? You guys surely have the most kind people because if you try to talk to any customer in my store who's looking for a piece of clothing, they will never leave you alone and leave unsatisfied because you weren't able to solve their problem.
What kind of problem can they possibly have? They're looking for a t shirt for christs sake.
"Why don't you have xxl of this sweatshirt!?!? What kind of store is this?!?!"
Those types of people will always pop out anywhere anytime. Thankfully they are very rare. Just because you got that type of interaction with a customer once in 30 times, you shouldn't punish all of them.
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It's like this because you chose it to be like this. You can always offer your help to customers and they will never say no.