2 months ago
/ Views: 147

Always understaffed

I saw a video the other day on tiktok. It was showing a walmart store from 2005 and the one thing that caught my attention (it's also written on the video as well) is that every single checkout is open and active. Quite literally. Then I thought to myself why can't we be like this again? Why is it so hard to use the people that you've hired in the first place for the jobs that you've hired them for? Why the he^l is a cashier doing a maintenance job? Because they are also understaffed. So it seems like every department in the store is basically understaffed and the cashiers pay the price of that most of the time. I really don't understand it. It also creates a lot of dissatisfaction for the customers as well. I'm not saying what I'm saying just because I don't want to get any sh^t from the customers, no. I'm saying this because it's actually bad for Walmart. Like for the image of Walmart. Walmart became a store that couldn't satisfy its customers no matter what. It's fair when you think about it because you can't expect a different outcome while making the exact same mistakes that brought you into this mess in the first place. So dear senior managers at Walmart, whoever you are, PLEASE hire more walmart store associates. Especially the front end ones. You will benefit from it more than you can imagine.

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