9 months ago
/ Views: 519

Even more theft

We only have this one security person, and they got rid of the person who used to watch the fitting rooms and even took away the phone there… None of us have those walkie-talkie things to talk to each other. The mgmt said in some interviews that a bunch of stores might close because people keep stealing stuff, and he thinks having more police around could fix that (maybe but really?). It doesn't look like we're actually trying to stop anyone from taking things? Our front door people just let everyone in, even if they're carrying huge backpacks that are obviously empty, and then these people just leave with their backpacks packet to the top, if you ever need help with something, it's super hard to get anyone to come and do anything, plain lazy imho and its all broken from how we are organized view. Once had to call for help three times in the same day, and nobody came at all after all calls and my thinking is why even bother as nothing happes, so bad, feels nobody cares anymore welcome to 2024.

9 months ago

2023 was really bad at my store (theftwise) but we are doing much better now - i do not think we are doing anything different but there is less theft now

9 months ago

If Walmart was to invest more in Asset Protection teams to ensure compliance and prevent shrink we'd all be better off. The management is playing games as they do not want to spend money on it and they are just assuming that there will be a certain level of shrink (which they monitor). The shirink values are calculated and baked into prices and that's it, the customer pays for it, we all get frustrated and it's a pressure on all of us to prevent it but in the end the management knows what they are doing and it's not an issue. The know that our current level of asset protection works, we are 'protected enough' in their book and the numbers add up. Again, the customer pays and we get screwed. There is nothing more to add to this.

9 months ago

you can never stop theft and thieves will always try to get ahead, our asset protection is trying to catch up. sometimes we get ahead and sometimes they get ahead, right now they are ahead but it'll change

9 months ago

dont steal


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