13 hours ago
/ Views: 14


There’s been a lot of talk about how Walmart violates ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) regulations and honestly it's not hard to see why it becomes such a big issue. Some of the stories that come out are pretty disappointing,like accessible parking spots being blocked or aisles being too cluttered for someone in a wheelchair to get through. And it’s not just about the physical layout; there have been complaints about the lack of accommodation for employees with disabilities too. It’s frustrating to see such a big company struggle with something that’s supposed to be a standard. You’d think with all the resources they have keeping things ADA-compliant wouldn’t be such a challenge. But here we are hearing about fines, lawsuits, and customers or employees who are just trying to get what they need but face barriers instead.

12 hours ago

Honestly, I think they just don’t want to spend the extra money on making things right. It’s cheaper to settle a few lawsuits than to fix every store.


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